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Information on participating and serving at the World level.
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Members interested in participating in projects, workgroups, or other NAWS assignments are encouraged to complete the Focus Group Volunteer Form for 2023-2026 Cycle. The form lists opportunities to help during the current cycle. Some of these may be focus groups or web meetings. Others may be opportunities to share experience. Workgroup assignments are typically made after the World Service Conference. NAWS News offers information about projects and workgroups. (Esubscribe for free:
NA members interested in participating at the world level in other ways may want to consider giving input on any of the projects or topics listed on our survey page, joining a World Services web meeting, or holding a workshop.
Following are direct links to those pages:
Serving as a Delegate to the World Service Conference
Newly elected regional and zonal delegates are encouraged to review the Conference Participant Quick Start Guide posted on the WSC webpage and to contact NA World Services if you have not already done so by emailing [email protected]
The regional delegate (RD) serves as the primary contact between NA’s World Services and the local NA community. On one hand, the delegate provides information on current World Services projects to the regional committee. On the other, the delegate provides a local perspective to the work of World Services. During the delegate’s term, they attend the World Service Conference and virtual conference participants’ web meetings as fully active participants, for while the delegate is elected by and accountable to the regional assembly or RSC, they are not a mere messenger. The delegate is selected by the region’s group representatives and/or RCMs to act, collectively with other participants, in the best interests of NA as a whole, not solely as an advocate of his or her NA community’s priorities.
The regional delegate works closely with the region's alternate delegate. Like the regional delegate, the alternate is a full participant in the regional service committee. The delegate often consults with the alternate, asking for different perspectives on world service affairs and seeking to involve the alternate in helping to carry the workload. Alternate delegates are welcome to attend the meeting of the World Service Conference in the company of their delegates; however, each region is recognized as one participant in any session of the World Service Conference. Seating on the floor of the Conference for each seated region is limited to two—one delegate and one alternate per region. The alternate regional delegate may also participate in the conference participants’ web meetings, either with or without their delegate present.
(This description comes from A Guide to World Services in NA, which is posted at
As a result of conference decision in 2016, zones that wished to were able to send a delegate to WSC 2018 as a non-funded, non-voting participant. At WSC 2018, participants passed a number of motions related to zonal delegates. As a result, zones that include two or more communities or regions that are not seated at the WSC may send a zonal delegate (ZD) and alternate to the Conference to represent those regions or communities. The ZD is a funded, voting participant. As is the case for the RD and alternate, the ZD and alternate participate in all conference participant communications. If a zone is ineligible to have a delegate who attends the WSC, two zonal contacts may be included in conference participants’ web meetings, eblasts, and other communication between the face-to-face meetings of the WSC.
(This description comes from A Guide to World Services in NA, which is posted at
Locally developed resources regarding delegates:
World Service Conference Positions
World Board’s Mission
The mission of the World Board is to contribute to the continuation and growth of Narcotics Anonymous. The Board serves as a primary resource for the NA Fellowship by providing the support needed to carry our message, while ensuring that the service and support provided are of the highest quality possible.
Accountability Statement
The World Board is the service board of the World Service Conference. As such, it is accountable to the World Service Conference and ultimately to the final authority within our service structure as stated by our Second Concept—the groups, who retain the final responsibility and authority for all NA services. In accordance with the principle of delegation described in our Third Concept, the World Service Conference, on behalf of the groups, delegates to the World Board the authority to provide effective services.
Purpose of the World Board
The purpose of the World Board is to:
- Carry the message of recovery to addicts who still suffer from addiction.
- Provide support to the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous in their efforts to provide the opportunity to recover from addiction.
- Oversee all the activities of NA World Services, including the Fellowship’s primary service center, the World Service Office.
- Provide service to individuals or groups of addicts seeking recovery from addiction and assist the public in understanding addiction and the Narcotics Anonymous program for recovery from addiction. Such assistance may include direct and indirect communication with addicts, organizations, agencies, governments, and the public.
- Ensure that no resources generated from Trust Properties are utilized to engage in any activities or exercise any powers that do not further the primary purpose of Narcotics Anonymous, which is to carry the message to the addict who still suffers.
- Hold and manage in trust for the Fellowship the income produced by any World Services activities in a manner that is within the spirit of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous.
- Hold in trust for the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous the rights to the exclusive control, use, printing, duplicating, sales, and use of all the intellectual properties, logos, trademarks, copyrighted materials, emblems, or other intellectual and physical properties of the WSC, or the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous as a whole in accordance with the will of the WSC.
- Control and manage the exclusive production, printing, manufacture, or reproduction of the properties, or the licensing for production, printing, or manufacture of the properties of the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous, and offer these properties for sale to the Fellowship and the general public.
General Duties
The duties of the World Board shall be understood to be administrative in nature. So that it can fulfill its mission and the will of the WSC, the general duties of the World Board are to:
- Communicate all World Services activity to our membership in accordance with the principles embodied in our Eighth Concept.
- Oversee the operations of the Fellowship’s primary service center, the World Service Office.
- Administer the activities necessary for the successful operation of the World Convention.
- Hold our Fellowship’s intellectual properties in trust in accordance with the Fellowship Intellectual Property Trust. Provide support and administration for all World Services meetings.
- Plan and budget for basic service provision and project development.
- Be accountable for all World Services budget responsibilities.
- Select members for project development and completion.
- Oversee activities associated with how our Fellowship and service structure interact with society.
- Oversee development of new literature, periodicals, and translations.
- Develop and approve service-related information pamphlets and tools for distribution to the Fellowship. Address philosophical issues and questions about our Traditions and Concepts, developing position papers when necessary.
- Make necessary decisions affecting NA World Services when the World Service Conference is not in session, always mindful of the priorities previously established by the World Service Conference.
The World Board will consist of up to fifteen members elected by at least 60% of the World Service Conference. These conference-elected members will have equal participation rights, including voting on the Board and at the World Service Conference. Board members may not, however, vote on items that have been submitted to the groups in the Conference Agenda Report or on any other items of Old Business at the World Service Conference.
Membership Qualifications
In addition to the qualities expressed in Concept Four such as humility, integrity, trustworthiness, and strong commitment to open communication, the following qualifications for nomination and election to the World Board are written to express the variety of skills and experience necessary to the Board’s optimum operation. A single individual may not have all of the qualifications listed below. These qualifications should not be viewed as a list of absolute requirements, but rather as an expression of the qualities and experience that will help the Board to best serve our Fellowship:
- History of both completing work independently and working well within a group.
- Familiarity with and commitment to the World Service Conference vision of a global fellowship demonstrated through world service or personal life experience.
- Familiarity with the Narcotics Anonymous service structure.
- Administrative skills.
- Experience with plan development and financial forecasting.
- Organizational and communication skills.
- Ability to donate sufficient time to attend meetings, travel, and to fulfill the additional commitments of Board membership.
- A working knowledge of the Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts.
Cleantime Requirement
All Board members must have a minimum of ten (10) years clean.
Excerpt from A Guide to World Services in NA
Accountability and Cooperation Statement
The Human Resource Panel is accountable to the World Service Conference. When the World Service Conference is not in session, the World Board oversees all activities of NA World Services. The Human Resource Panel strives to support a cooperative working relationship with the World Board.
Purpose of the Human Resource Panel
The purpose of the Human Resource Panel is to identify NA members whose skills, talents, and experience support their ability to be most qualified as NA world service trusted servants. The panel is responsible for forwarding to the World Service Conference a list of those most qualified candidates (nominees) for consideration and selection by the WSC. The Human Resource Panel also administers the World Pool, a resource for identifying potential candidates for NA world service trusted servant positions, and World Board projects, workgroups, or other NAWS assignments.
General Duties
The duties of the Human Resource Panel are to develop, maintain, and implement a nominations process that results in the identification of the most qualified candidates for consideration for service by the World Service Conference. In support of this, the Human Resource Panel will cooperate with all of NA World Services to maintain current descriptions of the skills, talents, and experience necessary to successfully fulfill the tasks of WSC elected positions.
The Human Resource Panel utilizes various NAWS publications to communicate with NA members worldwide in an effort to keep members up to date on the panel’s activity and any pending nominations process deadlines. The panel welcomes input from all interested members on any aspect of their work. As a part of the nominations process the Human Resource Panel will:
- Screen information of eligible members of the World Pool to identify those most qualified to be considered for election to NA world service trusted servant positions.
- Inform qualified members of the World Pool and service bodies who can forward names for consideration to the Human Resource Panel (NA regions, NA zones, and the World Board) of the current descriptions of the skills, talents, and experience necessary to successfully fulfill the positions of World Board member, WSC Cofacilitator, and Human Resource Panel member.
- Interview all potential candidates who meet the cleantime requirement for each position and are forwarded for consideration by NA regions, NA zones, or the World Board, independent from and after any other initial screening process.
- Provide the World Service Conference with a list of nominees best qualified for election to the World Board, WSC Cofacilitator, and Human Resource Panel. These lists, for the purposes of election at the World Service Conference, will not be governed by any minimum candidate-to-open position ratio; the maximum ratio should be limited to no more than two (2) candidates to each open position.
- Facilitate the Elections Session of the World Service Conference.
- Be available throughout the meeting of the World Service Conference to answer participants’ questions about the nominations process, without violating the confidentiality of World Pool members, potential candidates, nominees, or their references.
Membership and Participation
The Human Resource Panel will consist of up to four members elected by majority vote of the World Service Conference. While elected at the World Service Conference, panel members are not conference participants and do not have the ability to participate at the World Service Conference beyond their defined role. Human Resource Panel members are often invited to participate in discussion or presentation sessions at the World Service Conference.
Membership Qualifications
In addition to the qualities expressed in Concept Four such as humility, integrity, trustworthiness, and strong commitment to open communication, following are qualifications for nomination and election to the Human Resource Panel:
- Ability to protect confidential information held in the World Pool and revealed during the Human Resource Panel nominations process.
- History of both completing work independently and working well within a group.
- Familiarity with the Narcotics Anonymous service structure.
- Organizational and communication skills.
- Ability to donate sufficient time to attend meetings and to fulfill the additional commitments of Human Resource Panel membership.
- A working knowledge of the Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts.
Cleantime Requirement
All Human Resource Panel members must have a minimum of eight (8) years clean.
The term of office for the Human Resource Panel member will be two (2) conference cycles. Panel members cannot serve two consecutive terms. The Human Resource Panel cannot nominate an outgoing Human Resource Panel member to any NA World Service trusted servant position. Once off the panel, former members are eligible for nomination consideration.
Excerpt from A Guide to World Services in NA
The WSC Cofacilitators are two (2) individuals elected by a simple majority of the World Service Conference. The purpose of the WSC Cofacilitators is to preside over the business meeting of the World Service Conference. WSC Cofacilitators must have a minimum of eight (8) years cleantime. The term is two (2) conference cycles. WSC Cofacilitators may not serve two full consecutive terms. WSC Cofacilitators are accountable to the World Service Conference.
The duties of the WSC Cofacilitators are to:
- Preside over the business meeting of the World Service Conference.
- Communicate with the World Board as necessary in order to be prepared for the conference meeting.
The qualifications for the WSC Cofacilitators are:
- A demonstrated ability to preside over business meetings.
- A working knowledge of WSC conference policies and procedures.
- A working knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order and general parliamentary procedure.
- Demonstrated organizational skills.
- Holding no other World Services positions or responsibilities at the time of assuming the Cofacilitator’s duties.
- A working knowledge of the Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous.
Excerpt from A Guide to World Services in NA
How to be Considered for Nomination
Candidates & References
The HRP’s nomination process is based on confidentiality and integrity. While we cannot discuss individual candidate’s qualifications or scores, we can offer some suggestions:
- A World Services “perspective” – This might mean they served as a regional delegate or perhaps on a workgroup, or in some other way are familiar with the World Service Conference and current NAWS efforts
- Complete, focused, and succinct responses to HRP questions – Generic or longwinded responses generally do not serve to give a clear understanding of the candidate’s perspective
*NA members interested in participating in world services may want to consider any of the project or web meeting opportunities listed at Participating in these does not require HRP nomination and would not be considered a workgroup assignment. Following are direct links to those pages:
Currently the HRP is considering potential candidates forwarded through the RBZ process rather than from the World Pool.
The RBZ (regions, World Board, zones) recommendation process provides regions, the World Board, and zones a system for identifying and forwarding potential candidates for World Service positions to the Human Resource Panel.
It is important to note that an RBZ recommendation is not a nomination.
The current nomination process includes:
- Regions, the World Board, and zones (RBZs) are sent an announcement from the HRP, explaining the opportunity to forward names of candidates for world service level trusted servants. Those individuals whose names are forwarded by the regions, World Board, and zones are considered candidates.
- Each candidate is notified and asked to provide written responses to questions, some specific to the position of service of interest. The HRP then interview each candidate. Using all of the information collected, the HRP identifies those candidates best suited for nomination at the World Service Conference.
RBZ Overview, Process, and Questions | Portuguese | Spanish
Leadership ID workshop materials: Word | PowerPoint
Deadline for RBZ submission for WSC 2026 is 30 September 2025
Currently the HRP is encouraging the use the RBZ process to forward potential candidates.
The World Board term of service is six years, and seated board members can stand for a second term. There are typically two in-person Board meetings each year, each lasting three days, plus travel days. Board members are also required to attend the WSC (seven days plus travel days). With other activities, board members are required to spend approximately thirty to forty days away from home each conference cycle. In addition, board members commit ten to twenty hours each week for Board-related responsibilities.
The Human Resource Panel term of service is two conference cycles, currently six years total. There are normally three to four in-person meetings each conference cycle, lasting three to four days, plus travel days. HRP members are required to attend the WSC (seven days plus travel days). HRP members are required to spend approximately fifteen days away from home each conference cycle. In addition, during the nominations process (September-March) HRP members commit approximately ten hours each week for HRP-related responsibilities.
The WSC Cofacilitator term of service is two conference cycles, currently six years total. This commitment requires at least one week of conference time plus travel days and one possible meeting with the World Board to plan the WSC, for a total of approximately twelve days away from home each conference cycle.
Current Service Opportunities at the WSC
Open Seats for WSC 2026
World Board: 10 seats
Human Resource Panel: 2 seats
WSC Cofacilitator: 1 seat
Important deadlines can be found on the Introduction page of A Guide to World Services in NA, found here: