NAWS Webinars

Web meetings are a great way to gather information and share experiences on service related topics. We hold quarterly open webinars and web meetings for PR and H&I trusted servants.

Flyers for upcoming and previous web meetings are posted below. Click here for Annual Events.

Spanish and Portuguese interpretation is regularly provided for web meetings. If you require interpretation in another language or are interested in providing interpretation, please contact [email protected] at least two weeks before the web meeting. 

Upcoming Webinar

3 May 2025
Service Day–Reimagining and Revitalizing Service Committees IDT

Fellowship Webinars

  • 12 July 2025: Dealing with Disruptive and Predatory Behavior IDT
  • 6 September 2025: Unity Day (special event TBD)

Most Recent Web Meeting: Helping Addicts Find Us – August 2024

This webinar offered ideas and examples of best practices for local websites, meeting lists, and flyers.

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Public Relations web meetings are a gathering of area & regional PR trusted servants who share their experiences and challenges with PR service; topics are identified by PR trusted servants. For more information or notes from previous meetings, write to [email protected].

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Hospitals and Institutions web meetings are a gathering of area & regional H&I trusted servants who share their experiences and challenges with H&I service; topics are identified by H&I trusted servants. For more information or notes from previous meetings, write to [email protected].

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We hold quarterly webinars open to all members on topics of Fellowship interest. Recordings and materials from the most recent are above. Previous webinars are here. To be notified of future webinars, subscribe here and you will also receive NAWS Update emails.