NAWS Participation Requests

For service bodies requesting NAWS involvement in workshops they are hosting.

World Services is uncertain how much in-person travel we will be able to do in the 2023–2026 cycle, given health and financial considerations. However, WorldServices is participating virtually when we are able to

For travel and virtual interaction requests, please email [email protected] and provide

  • the focus or purpose of the sessions you are looking for,
  • the date, time and time zone,
  • whether virtual participation is possible or preferable,
  • the length of the session or sessions,
  • what service body is making the request, and
  • the coordinating members’ contact information of the members to
  • coordinate with.

If the request is for in-person travel only, please be aware that we may not be able to meet the request. 

Please be aware that many events often get planned on the same days. The earlier you can make your request, the easier it is for us to plan.

Thank you!