Quick Contribute

Quick Contribute is the quickest way to make a one-time or recurring contribution.

NA Groups or Service Bodies: If you wish to have your contribution identified as coming from a specific group or service body and included within a particular NA region in our annual summary, click here.

Narcotics Anonymous does not accept outside contributions. Please do not contribute if you are not an NA member.

Contributions like yours make it possible for us to provide support and services to NA members, groups, and service bodies worldwide, despite the shut down due to the pandemic and our reduction in force. We can weather any storm together.

We really appreciate your continued support. We cannot thank you enough.

“The money that reaches our service system helps support services that let other addicts, in our own communities and around the world, know that hope is available.” 

(IP #24, Money Matters: Self Support in NA

Questions? Email [email protected]